
Monday, May 7, 2012

Sometimes, School is cruel.

That is ultimately the lesson known by students worldwide.
   Sometimes homework is given in abundance. Sometimes school work isn't present and boringness seeps in. Sometimes the cold class air smacks your face like a fist.  Sometimes bullies terrorize kids. And sometimes, principles stomp and scream for no reason.
   Sometimes, school is cruel.
   And always, when it is, we act the same way. We get attitudes. We mope and groan, we finally wake up and socialize, we work. And we drag our self around. This is the price of being a teen.
   But what if you did this every single day?
   Surely some tired, aggravated student could be forgiven for thinking it is always this way, after months and years of writing and drawing maps, charts and yelled at by short substitute teachers, these 5ft 3in substitutes. Surely, our parents at work, coming home to listen to our school tales at the comfort of their thoughts that they are glad to be out of our situation, are tempted to believe the same.
   Bad enough, school programs are lame. Bad enough kids are bullied everyday and some to scared to ask "Can you help me?", of being governed by people they barely know. Bad enough, all that, yet at the end of the school year what we learned we wont remember, we don't care to remember, our young minds don't want to remember. So what's the point?
   Sometime, though, you have to wonder if all this information being temporarily programed in our brains, will be used later.
   After the 90's, when most of us were born, after daycare, the first school year when we only colored and took naps, when 2nd grade brought kiddy books, after 3rd grade brought us our first EOGS, and 4th grade a field trip we actually enjoyed, after all that, comes this wave of boringness - and a cut of funds that take out some of the important parts of expression, like art, like they did last year to my school. So we somewhat retaliate. Some of us who's life rested in the class. Then we get in trouble for fighting for what class we actually liked.
   Sometimes, school is cruel. But what else are you going to do? As a teacher said "we'll right you up if you do that again, or if suspension is necessary, then that too." Even less have we the ability to say what our parents told us to say when the time comes: Tell them too call me if it's such a problem.
  We are hamstrung by rules, and limitations, so we can only do what we always do, only wish this school year was over. And watch, amazed at there life, as our parents lounge and party, the thing we can only wish we could do at our age without the lingering guilt of "I didn't do my homework."
   Worry about grades. Get mad and aggravated at teachers. Wish that our parents life were ours. Keep pushing forward. And show our parents and teachers and guardians that we are miserable.